“I will never forget what we experienced here with the children. The way they were and how the group grew together. And in the end that none of them wanted to leave”
Antonia, 2015

“Spending a week with children who have had not always had an easy life , really opens ones eyes and makes one remember to be grateful for all that you have.”
Daria, 2015

But what I’ve really learned to appreciate are things such as friendship, a sense of community, not just thinking of myself but doing something for others. And also that “family” doesn’t have to mean just my own relatives.   Ferda 2015

It was super and great fun, but also a very emotional experience which I will definitely not forget.    Theresa, 2015

We were able to spend an exciting, fun-filled and interesting week with the children – thank you!    Josefa  2014

We enjoyed so many wonderful experiences: camp fires, sunrise on the Gaugen, picking mushrooms and blackberries, the “Cabin Olympics” etc Moritz 2014

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of this and congratulations on your unbelievably beautiful wooden Hut!    Steffi 2014

It’s great that the Clemens Reutter Fund let us forget our difficult normal life at least for a week and that we were able to enjoy some of the good things in life far from the noisy street where we live.     Johanna, 2013

Already by the middle of the week we could sense that some of the children had gained new energy and motivation and that trust and team spirit were developing within the group.     Hanna, 2013